Do You Need a Lawyer for a Holiday Visitation Schedule?

For divorced parents, the holidays can be an especially difficult. On top of all the heightened emotions surrounding family gatherings, there are the possible legal complexities when it comes to custody and visitation during the holidays.

And if there are any disagreements or changes regarding a visitation schedule, the holidays can get even harder. So while an attorney may not always be necessary when planning a holiday visitation schedule there are some times when you need one, and many more when you might want one.

Hark, the Holiday Visitation Schedule

If you already have a court-approved visitation schedule for your children, and there won’t be any modifications during the holiday season, you likely won’t need legal help. That is, if all parties abide by the schedule. The holidays can make parents, grandparents, and other family members do some strange things. And if anyone is interfering with or violating a visitation schedule, you’ll want to notify the court, perhaps law enforcement, and definitely your lawyer.

It may be possible to head off disagreements before they happen and without legal representation. Sorting out grandparent visitation rights can be complicated, but it may be worth spending some time figuring it out before the holidays arrive so everyone is on the same page. You might also be able to offer grandparents or even your ex virtual visitation on special days.

Yule Time Attorneys

If either you or the children’s other parent want to make holiday-specific modifications to a current visitation schedule or want to create a new holiday visitation schedule, it’s probably best to have attorneys involved. An experienced child custody attorney can advise you regarding custody and visitation orders likely to work with the court and may be a better negotiator to work between you and your ex.

And if your ex has denied visitation time during the holidays, you’ll definitely want to contact an attorney. Custody order violations are serious and at that point, it’s better to have the lawyers and courts involved to resolve the issue rather than emotional parents taking matters into their own hands.

Contact an experienced custody attorney to help you sort out any holiday visitation schedule issues you may have.

Related Resources:

Source: Law

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